This is a listing of videos that I have ran across that have to do with The Shelby Cars. These are the ones I felt worked with this webpage. They all have to do with The Shelby story, the Shelby Cars or unique Mustangs.
The Shelby Story
King Rose Archives posted his entire interview with Carroll Shelby. So you can listen to the man himself tell the story. It’s about an 25 minutes long but worth every minute.
The Shelby Mustangs & Cobras
Little Red was a legendary 1967 Mustang Coupe that Shelby American used to test components with. Legend has it that Carroll Shelby used it as his personal Ferrari beater. Supposedly it was crushed as all earlier prototype Ford’s cars were. Barrett-Jackson went on a hunt for it and I’ll be damned if they didn’t find out that it had NOT be crushed and that it had been sold in Colorado. And they actually found it on a lot, purchased it then restored it. Very good video on the Shelby story and this car.
1965 Shelby 427 Cobra Competition – Jay Leno’s Garage
The TransAm Cars
1969 BUD MOORE Boss Mustangs
1970 SCCA Watkins Glen Trans Am; Parnelli Jones Bud Moore Boss 302 Mustang; Mark Donohue Javelin
Trans Am Racing 1968: Shelby/Titus Mustang,Donohue/Penske Camaro, AMC Javelin RaceTeam at Meadowdale